Order of Malta


Area Members Honor H.E Ambassador Oscar de Rojas


On Sunday evening, March 12th, Hawley and John (Jack) McAuliffe, Palm Beach Region Hospitallers, graciously hosted over 40 Knights and Dames of Malta at their club in Palm Beach. The event was to honor, H.E Ambassador Oscar de Rojas, who is the Permanent Observer of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta to the United Nations.

Ambassador de Rojas addressed the gathering and gave a very informative and detailed account of our presence at the United Nations and Malta’s impact on social issues around the globe. We were also honored to have our Chancellor, Dr. Richard Milone, in attendance. Father Alfredo Hernandez, our new Deputy Chaplain was also there to greet our members in prayer and fellowship.

Our Area Chair, Sean Clancy, bestowed years of service pins and certificates to Wini Amaturo (25 years), Dr. Mark Wolff (25 years), Peter Lyons (10 years) and Ana Kenefick (5 years).

Photo (from left to right): H.E. Ambassador Oscar de Rojas, John ‘Jack’ and Hawley McAuliffe, Fr. Alfredo Hernandez, Dr. Richard Milone, Sean Clancy

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522