Order of Malta


Boston Area at 2018 Investiture Weekend


Newcomb Stillwell is pictured with his wife is Katherine (Trina) and daughter, Helen, named for her grandmother the late Dame Helen A. Jones.

“I am not sure exactly what I was expecting, but the Investiture Weekend made a number of strong impressions and had a profound effect. A major impression was that of being home. It was a great blessing to be surrounded by so many who understand the world in the same way and who welcome you as a family member. Another major impression was that of joy. These are happy people—not a pietistic grump in sight. I was also challenged and inspired. The example of others taking their faith seriously and trying to work out and live what that means was an inspiration. The words of the vow are a personal challenge, too.

Family, joy, inspiration, and challenge sum up what Investiture weekend meant to me. It is a great grace that the Lord has “seen fit to enlist us” in this Order.”

Newcomb Stillwell, KM

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522