Order of Malta


Boston Area’s First Friday with Little Sisters of the Poor


Members of the Boston Area joined together for the First Friday Liturgy with the always grateful residents of the Little Sisters of the Poor.

On behalf of the Jeanne Jugan residents, Mother Maureen, all the Little Sisters,…..deep appreciation for the love, happiness, and friendship from the members of their extended Order of Malta family, both in person during this visit, and through prayers in the days and weeks ahead!

Reverend Antonio Nardoianni, OFM, presided at Mass. As a Franciscan, he serves as the pastor of St. Leonard Church in Boston. Fr. Antonio, born in 1949 in Villa S. Lucia, Italy, was received into the Order of Friars Minors in 1965, originally as a member of the Province of the Sacred Heart in Naples. He came to Immaculate Conception Province in the mid-1970s, serving in a variety of locations and capacities in Boston, Ontario, and Rome.

The Order of Friars Minor, founded by St. Francis of Assisi, is a fraternity. In this fraternity, the Friars follow Jesus Christ more closely under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit; through profession they dedicate themselves totally to God whom they love above all, living the Gospel in the Church according to the form observed and proposed by St. Francis.

Fr. Antonio extended the warmest of welcomes to all gathered in the chapel. Ray Bastarache proclaimed the readings and the prayers of the faithful. In his homily, Fr. Anotonio reflected on what it means to have a faithful friend, and to be a faithful friend.  Friendship is a gift and is very much about being good to others. He encouraged all to be thankful for the many friends in our lives.

For the liturgy, the chapel had just over 60 in attendance with many residents, some friends, and five of the Little Sisters. Another group of 12 residents participated in the liturgy, mostly in wheelchairs, on the balcony from the floor above.  At the request of residents, Eucharistic Adoration will now begin on Fridays right after Mass.

Lunch on Friday was vegetable pasta soup and crackers, salad bar and dinner rolls, lemon garlic fish, vegetable quiche, baked potatoes, vegetable medley, and fruit for dessert. The residents then headed off for the usual afternoon activities including: light exercising, bingo, Name that Tune, and Friday Humor/Trivia!

The Order of Malta group for this month’s gathering included the following:

Ray Bastarache, KM
Ed Delaney, KM
Joe Feitelberg, KMOb
Craig Gibson, KM
Nancy Gibson, DM
Jack Granese, KM
Anne Lindmark, VOL
Harvey Rowe, KM
Mary Russo, VOL
David Solimine, KM

Let’s remember to keep all the residents at the Little Sisters in our prayers, especially those who suffer from chronic pain and illness, may Jesus bless them with a hopeful patience as they join their sufferings to his…..Lord hear our prayer!

Click here to see a list of the upcoming visits to the Little Sisters of the Poor, as well as other Boston Area events.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522