Order of Malta


An Update on the Dismas Home of New Hampshire


Paul Young, KM serves as board of chair of the Dismas Home of New Hampshire. He shares a wonderful update with two testimonials from recent graduates of the Dismas Home program. Thanks to the help and support of the Order of Malta, they now have the program fully up and running and producing miraculous results. Paul is happy to report that 100% of our graduates under the full holistic program that heals body, mind, and soul are staying sober, not returning to prison and living productive lives in the community – thanks be to God.

Residents preparing dinner. 

As background, Dismas Home of New Hampshire (DHNH) is a faith-based organization that provides formerly incarcerated women support, recovery and re-entry services, offering them a second chance at life. It is a state-licensed, 90-day, low-intensity, residential, alcohol-and-drug-rehabilitation-treatment-and-reentry program. The program operates and is fully staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Volunteer work includes board participation, visiting the residents, cooking and serving communal meals, resource development and communications, financial training, transportation, shopping and home improvements and maintenance.

Residents preparing dinner.

The first remarks are from Liz who was leaving Dismas Home. The second is an excerpt from a letter from Tricia.  She has reentered the community and is now gainfully employed in a job working with animals, her lifelong dream!

Elizabeth ‎to Dismas Home of NH, Manchester

Well it’s official…today marks the end of my journey here at the Dismas Home. It’s a bittersweet moment for me, but the last 12 months have all led up to this moment. I’m so blessed God gave me the opportunity to turn my life around, and because of this program, before my grandmother passed away, she got to watch me get sober. For that I’ll forever be grateful. 17 months ago I was broken and lost in a never-ending cycle of drugs and prison. Today I can hold my head up high and be proud of who I am. I’m extremely grateful to the women that live here, who helped to support and empower me every day. Never again will I settle for less, because today I know I am worthy of a happy and healthy life.

Tricia ‎to Dismas Home of NH, Manchester

I cannot tell you how much having the opportunity to go back to school to fulfill my dreams means to me.  I have had a passion for animals and animal care since I was very young.  I never thought I would have the opportunity to be able to fulfill those dreams.  I am truly grateful for the simple fact that a complete stranger believes in me enough to financially help me follow my dreams.  This single gesture has given me faith and confidence in myself, and a belief that I won’t fail. I’ve spent my entire life thinking I wasn’t good enough to live a sober, happy, and fulfilling life.  Today, I know in my heart that I am finally on my way to where I’m supposed to be.

For more information about the American Association’s Prison Ministry Program, contact Craig Gibson, Chair of the Prison Ministry Committee at cbgibson@comcast.net.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522