Order of Malta


Michigan Area’s Annual Advent Celebration


A total of 61 Knights, Dames, Auxiliary, Candidates in Formation and family joined together for their Annual Advent Celebration with Archbishop Vigneron. The Mass was wonderful and the homily on preparation was timely as we enter the Advent season.

The Lochmoor Country Club brunch started off on an interesting note as the electricity was knocked out from strong winds. The Lochmoor staff did a wonderful job; the food was ready and hot coffee was steaming on everyone’s arrival. The lights returned as our program started allowing us to use the audio visual equipment and microphone in the nick of time.

Our agenda covered the highlights of the 2019 year, and we covered the upcoming year handing out the 2020 initial schedule. Mike Jones General Manager from Ave Maria Communications gave our annual presentation on a Grant in Action. The Michigan Area gave a grant to Ave Maria Radio for remote broadcasting equipment that will impact the Order of Malta Message both nationally and internationally. We have had a long relationship with Ave Maria through our very own Peggy Stanton and her Malta Minutes. This small investment will magnify Detroit’s Unleash the Gospel effort world wide through Ave Maria’s 500 affiliated stations.

Finally, we had a special reading of a true Christmas story that illustrates beautifully the Order of Malta Charism of taking care of the sick and the poor and the anticipation of the coming of Christ at this time of year entitled “ If you’re Missing Baby Jesus” by Jean Gietzen.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522