Order of Malta


Boston Area’s 2019 Advent Mass and Reception


What a blessing to have such a nice turnout for our Boston Area Annual Advent Mass and Dinner, with over 50 attendees, including our beloved members of clergy: Rt. Rev. Jack Ahern, Very Rev. Brian Kiely, and Rev. Eric Cadin, and Anne Tripp Miller serving as cantor and leading us in song during the liturgy.

This year, we were blessed to come together at the start of Advent, a time to slow down in order to make room for the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!

Members and friends from the extended Boston Area gathered at St. Sebastian’s School located in Needham, MA. We were hosted by William L. Burke III, Headmaster of St. Sebastian’s since 1990. As many of you know, Bill is a visionary educator who continues to lead the School to ever greater levels of excellence. Due to health issues among extended family members, Bill was out of town, but very much with us in spirit!

As principal celebrant and homilist, Fr. Ahern reminded us that God calls everyone of us to the work of being a prophet, to proclaim God’s love and mercy in our Advent times and places, and to bring God’s peace and justice more fully into our divided world! After Mass, Fr. Kiely provided a warm welcome on behalf of Headmaster Bill Burke. Fr. Kiely encouraged us to grow in our love of God, love of self, and love of neighbor, especially those who may be, at times, difficult to love! We then moved downstairs for the reception.

Fr. Cadin presented a wonderful and hopeful view of vocations throughout the Archdiocese of Boston. At his prompting, let us remember each day to pray for vocations, and let’s help him build that list of prospective seminarians to over 3,000!

Again, many thanks to all for coming together in worship, praise, song, communion, friendship and love. May God favor us with love and mercy, through Christ, whose coming we eagerly await!

In closing, let’s pray, “O God, make us prophets of your compassion, heralds of of your peace, and shepherds of your providence.  Help us to create a straight and sure road this Advent by which all of us — including the lost, the forgotten, the estranged — may find their way back to you.”

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522