Order of Malta


Boston’s First Friday gathering with Little Sisters of the Poor


What a blessing to have such a nice turnout among our Boston Area members for the First Friday gathering on January 3rd. We started off the new year being together with the residents and Little Sisters for their 11 AM liturgy and for serving lunch to the deeply appreciative residents. Even with all of the continuing transition issues, they were thrilled to have us visit. Many were delighted that the Order of Malta group will continue to visit on First Fridays in the months ahead. On behalf of the Jeanne Jugan residents, Mother Maureen, and all the Little Sisters, we express our deep gratitude for the love, happiness, and friendship from the members of our extended Order of Malta family, both in person during this visit, and through prayers in the days and weeks ahead!

Father Joe presided at Mass in the chapel and all were warmly welcomed. Ray Bastarache served as the lector and proclaimed the first reading, the responsorial psalm, and the prayers of the faithful. In his energetic homily, Fr. Joe spoke about Saint John the Baptist and how it was his job to point out that Jesus is the living expression of God. For the liturgy, the chapel had just over 55 in attendance with many residents, friends, and 6 of the Little Sisters. Another group of 11 residents participated in the liturgy, mostly in wheelchairs, on the balcony from the floor above. At the request of residents, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament continues on Fridays right after Mass until Evening Prayer.

Lunch on Friday was vegetable pasta soup with crackers, salad bar with dinner role, Pier 17 fish, baked potatoes, beets and tapioca pudding. The scheduled afternoon activities included light exercising, spinning old records, poetry, bingo, random trivia, funny stories about prior New Year’s resolutions and sing-a-long! Pictured above are 5 members of the American Association in the second floor dining room before departure, many with their Order of Malta red aprons, along with 6 of the smiling and happy residents! Anne Lindmark joined us for Mass but was unable to stay longer.

The Order of Malta group on Friday included the following members: Jack Granese, KM, Ray Bastarache, KM, Emery Maddocks, KM, Newk Stillwell, KM, Christopher Lee, KM, David Solimine, KM, David Houston, KM, Nancy Gibson, DM, and Craig Gibson, KM.

The next First Friday with the Little Sisters of the Poor will be on February 7th. More upcoming Boston Area events can be found on our calendar here.

Let’s remember to keep all the residents at the Little Sisters in our prayers, especially the sick and those who are suffering in mind, body or spirit, may Jesus’ healing presence bring them comfort and consolation….Lord hear our prayer!

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522