Order of Malta


Boston Area Celebrates World Day of the Sick and the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes


In celebration of the 2020 Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and World Day of the Sick, Boston Area members and friends gathered for Mass and a reception at the Lourdes Center just outside of Kenmore Square. The principal celebrant and homilist was Msgr. James P. Moroney. In his homily, he referenced a passage from Matthew 11: 28-30, and encouraged all of us to always trust in God’s love, and to submit to his will and plan for our lives. The photo above shows the assembled group on the altar after Mass.

After the liturgy, the group moved upstairs to the fourth floor for a lively reception with a nice selection of appetizers and drinks. Although Fr. George Szal, S.M., Director of the Lourdes Center, was unable to join us for the evening, we were warmly welcomed by Fr. Frank Grispino, S.M. In his thoughtful overview, Fr. Frank explained that the Lourdes Center is the official distributor of Lourdes Water in the United States and Canada. It was established in 1950 by Boston Archbishop, Cardinal Richard J. Cushing, and the Bishop of Lourdes, France, Most Reverend Pierre-Marie Théas. The ministry of The Lourdes Center was entrusted to the Marist Fathers of Boston. Their ministry moved into the present facility in 1963. Their mission is to promote a loving devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes, and to distribute Lourdes Water in North America, which is shipped to us from France. The Lourdes Center also publishes the free monthly newsletter, “Lourdes Echoes“, and coordinates Pilgrimages to Our Lady’s Shrine in Lourdes, France. The first shipment of Lourdes Water arrived in the United States in January, 1951, and since that time thousands of requests for Lourdes Water have come from all over North America each year. Approximately 25,000 bottles of water are distributed each month by mail. The following photos were taken as the reception lingered on!

Craig and Nancy expressed special appreciation to Msgr. Moroney, Fr. George Szal, Fr. Frank Grispino, and all of the members and friends for coming together in worship, praise, song, communion, friendship and love!

The members were thanked for being radiant signs of God’s love in the world, and for witnessing the joy of Gospel both in word and deed.

Closing prayer: “Lord, inflame my heart with love for you and for your ways and help me to exchange the yoke of rebellion for the yoke of submission to your holy and loving word. Set me free from the folly of my own sinful ignorance and rebellious pride that I may I wholly desire what is good and in accord with your will.”

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522