Order of Malta


Understanding Eucharistic Prayers as an Expression of Faith


Boston Area Wraps Up Year of the Eucharist Workshop Series

Lex orandi, lex credendi: it means the way we pray is the foundation for what we believe. That is the substance of the Boston Area’s Year of the Eucharist Workshop’s final session of the three-part series on the Eucharist, which wrapped up in April.

The third session delved into how prayer is a form of communication with God and how Eucharistic Prayers are a deeper expression of faith. That faith is expressed through unity of the Church, participation in Christ’s offering and our being drawn into deeper communion with Christ. The presentation also described using the Sign of the Cross as an example of actions speaking louder than words, telling others our beliefs.

Attendees from the Order participated in the session by providing comments in the interactive chat box, generating discussions that included:

  • We encounter God in a Church or in Adoration but also in spring flowers;
  • While we may know the demographics of our parish community, we don’t always know what is going on in the lives of our fellow parishioners. So, it is more than just who’s there. It’s what they are bringing to the gathering as well;
  • Participating in the life of the community might include teaching religious education, sharing gifts, reaching out in friendship.

The online program was offered in partnership with Liturgy Training Publications, a provider of Catholic religious-education curriculum. The lead presenter for session three, Christina N. Condyles, is an Editor at LTP, and holds an MA in liturgical studies from St. John’s University in Collegeville, MN. Also presenting was Timothy A. Johnston, who serves as Editor and Liturgical Training Consultant for the organization.

“We were delighted to be able to offer this series to members of the Order of Malta,” said Craig Gibson, Co-Chair of Boston Area. “Over the course of the program we had the opportunity to reflect upon the presence of Christ in the Liturgy, our role in building up the Body of Christ, and the expression of faith through Eucharistic Prayers.”


Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522