The Ohio Area celebrated the feast of our patron saint, St. John the Baptist, with Mass and dinner at the new Neyer Center of the St. Vincent De Paul facility in downtown Cincinnati.
Ohio Area chaplain, the Most Reverend Joseph Binzer, ChC, celebrated Mass in their chapel. Following Mass, Mike Dunn, Executive Director of St. Vincent De Paul, provided a tour of the wonderful new Neyer Center. The tour highlight was the charitable pharmacy that the Order helped to establish 15 years ago.
Last year 73,000 Rx’s worth $10 million were provided at no charge to those in need throughout the community. The evening concluded with a delicious dinner catered by Venice on Vine, a non-profit commercial caterer designed to offer employment opportunities for those with chronic barriers to employment.
Our members were blessed by the Eucharist, the hospitality of our hosts and the excellent fare of our caterers. It was a celebration that will be remembered.