Order of Malta


2021 Mass of the Subpriory of Our Lady of Lourdes


On November 6, 2021, members of the Subpriory of Our Lady of Lourdes gathered for Mass at the Church of St. Francis of Assisi in Manhattan to witness the installation of the third Regent of the Subpriory, Frà Richard J. Wolff, PhD.

The Subpriory also welcomed new member, Fernando Blanco-DoPazo, who made his Promise of Obedience during the Mass. The Mass was celebrated by Fr. Joseph Cavoto and was attended by five of the Professed Knights of the Subpriory, Frà John T. Dunlap (American Association), Frà James-Michael Von Stroebel (Federal Association), Frà Thomas Mulligan (Federal Association), Frà Richard J. Wolff, PhD (American Association) and Frà Nicola Tegoni (American Association). Lauren Andree, AUX, lent her beautiful voice to the hymns accompanying the liturgy.

The congregation, which numbered almost 80 members of the Subpriory, the American & Federal Associations, family, and friends, also witnessed the awarding of the Grand Cordon of Magistral Grace in Obedience to the outgoing Regent, Joseph Metz, GCMOb, and the awarding of the Grand Cross of Magistral Grace in Obedience to Dr. Saad F. Habba, KMOb, Chancellor of the Subpriory (pictured right).

During the reception that followed, it was confirmed that the annual Subpriory Retreat will be held in Malvern, PA from June 2, 2022 to June 5, 2022.  Further details will be forthcoming.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522