Order of Malta


Missouri Area Mobile Ministry Van Provides Much Needed Hydration To Homeless


The Missouri Area’s Order of Malta Mobile Ministry Van fulfilled a critical need the week of June 27th for the homeless population in St. Louis. The Area Chairs saw a St. Patrick Center LinkedIn post asking for emergency donations of water and Gatorade for the homeless that needed quick hydration due to excessive heat and humidity in the St. Louis area.

The St. Patrick Center transforms the lives of those released from prison or homeless through sustainable housing, employment and healthcare, following the compassion of Jesus.

Local members sprung into immediate action. Within 24 hours, our Area secured over 2,000 bottles of water and 1,000 bottles of Gatorade (1.65 tons of hydration bottles) from Costco, loaded them in the Mobile Ministry Van, and delivered to St. Patrick Center. St Patrick’s Executive Director called the following day to say how much they appreciated the response to the emergency call for help and our continued partnership.

The Lord guided our members and those actively engaged in our Mobile Ministry to work together to serve this critical need for the homeless during a time the temperatures were in the high 90’s for over a week. Our Lady of Lourdes, thank you for guiding us!

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522