Order of Malta


Illinois Area Members Support Tuesday Night Supper and Clean Up Project


Illinois Area members recently participated in two Area projects supporting Catholic Charities’ “Tuesday Night Suppers” and Little Sisters of the Poor, St. Mary’s House. 

Our team returned to Catholic Charities for their regular Tuesday Night Supper, which takes place on the third Tuesday of each month. Given ongoing COVID protocols in our area, the suppers currently feature a hybrid of “to-go” meals packed by volunteers as well as limited seating for social distancing purposes. Our team, pictured above, helped pack the meals as well as bring meals and drinks to the tables for our dinner guests.

Additionally, members resumed their in-person service projects for the Little Sisters of the Poor on Saturday, September 17th. The Little Sisters of the Poor, St. Mary’s house needed assistance with one of the residence rooms as well as preparing for their upcoming fundraising event. Volunteers, pictured below, helped power wash their courtyard as well as clean statues and tables.

We look forward to our upcoming monthly “To Do” lists from the Sisters, to help St. Mary’s House and to get to know the staff and residents. Our in-person service component serves as a lovely way to reintroduce ourselves to the staff and residents of St. Mary’s House, post-COVID, as we prepare for our work on the St. Bernadette’s Palliative Care Initiative.


Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522