Order of Malta


NYC Area Welcomes New Members at Investiture Weekend


Pictured above from left to right, front row: Jessica Lillemon, Marietta Tempesta, Area Co-Chair, Valerie Vilsaint, and Dr. Gina LaRocca. Back row: James Greenwood, Daniel Del Valle Blanco, Piotr Jankowski, Luigi Scarpelli, and Michael Tempesta, Area Co-Chair.

During the 2022 Investiture Weekend, the NYC Area was excited to welcome a total of 13 new Knights and Dames into the Order of Malta, American Association. 

Pictured below from left to right: Alexander Lerangis, Justin Morin-Carpentier, Marc Noyer Maingard, and Daniel del Valle Blanco. Not included in these photos: Patrick Corrigan, Gen. Fabrizio Parrulli, and Gregory S. Brown.



Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522