Order of Malta


Connecticut Area’s Lourdes Orientation


On Wednesday, April 19th, the Connecticut Area hosted our first Lourdes Orientation in four years. It was well attended, with 60 people attending in person and an additional 70 attending online via Zoom. It was a great opportunity for the tri-state area pilgrims to come together and get on the same page for the upcoming pilgrimage that starts on May 2nd.

The energy was a combination of both nervousness and excitement as we met many of our new friends that will become our pilgrimage family in just a few weeks. A special thank you to Kelly Weldon and Erika Morro for all their help in planning this event and all the generous team who helped to provide the refreshments.

Photo credits to Andy Aoyama. Please keep our 2023 Malades, Caregivers and Team in your prayers!

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522