Order of Malta


Connecticut-SWN Members Gather for Fall Spirituality Book Group


CT-SWN Area Order of Malta held its late fall Spirituality Book Group gathering on Wednesday, November 1st, with a celebration of the All Saints’ Day Mass and an enriching discussion with Fr. Kevin O’Brien, S.J., participating as Celebrant and author of his recently published book, “Seeing with the Heart, A Guide to Navigating Life’s Adventures.”Over 25 CT Area members of the Order attended and engaged in a conversation that was both informative and inspirational. As spiritually engaging as the depth of the book can be, it was recognized by all attending as a very practical approach to applying the principles of the Ignatian Exercises to everyday life in the 21st century. 

Order of Malta, American Association, U.S.A.

American Association, U.S.A
1011 First Avenue, Room 1350
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522