Order of Malta


Northeast Wisconsin Area Serving Pilgrims at the Champion Shrine


The Northeast Wisconsin (NEW) Area has enjoyed a special relationship with the Champion Shrine since the Area was formed in 2017.  In addition to supporting the annual pilgrimage to the Shrine, NEW Area members provide volunteer assistance to the Shrine as one of the Area’s primary works. On the last Saturday of every month, pilgrims come from across the Midwest and beyond to assist at Mass, seek the graces of the monthly Healing Service, and receive the Sacraments of Confession and Anointing of the of the Sick.

NEW Area Knights, Dames and Associates are on hand on the last Saturday of each month to provide hospitality, serve at Mass, offer first aid as needed from the Order of Malta First Aid Center located at the Shrine, and to serve a complimentary lunch to all visitors.  Members from the Western Association regularly reach out to help  with this important work.

NEW Area Dame, Mary Dollar, and Associate, Marilyn Lemerond, express gratitude for the opportunity to meet, greet, and serve first-time pilgrims to the Shrine, and welcome repeat visitors.  Mary is the one who typically volunteers to take lunch leftovers to a local shelter to feed other weary travelers on the journey.

The statistics reflect the fruits of this essential work. In 2023, just under 2,100 pilgrims attended the last Saturday Mass, with over 1,800 participating in the Healing Service.  Just under 350 received the Sacrament of the Anointing, and lunch was served to over 1,600 visitors on the last Saturday of the month.

Area Co-Chair, Walt Fountain, who spearheads this project for the NEW Area, comments on how gratifying it is to serve pilgrims who come seeking healing of body and soul, saying he ”greatly appreciates the opportunity to meet people who come from across the country”.

NEW members recognize the Shrine for the amazing treasure it is and the astounding privilege we have to serve in the vineyard from here!

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522