Order of Malta


Seminarians Join Philadelphia Area for Holy Mass and Service Project


On Saturday, February 3rd, many members of Order of Malta, Philadelphia Area, gathered for Saturday Salve Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Philadelphia. Father Justin Freeman, O. de M., was the principal celebrant.  Since it was the Feast Day of Saint Blase, after Holy Mass, Father blessed throats for anyone who wanted. Following Holy Mass, members invited seminarians to join us for breakfast and learn about our Order.  We discussed history, the importance of humility in serving others, and our two fold mission of Defending the Faith and Serving Our Lords the Sick and the Poor.   Our service project this month was preparing Blessing Bags.  Members brought warm hats, scarfs, gloves, and also pairs of socks, toothbrushes, combs, plenty of toiletries, and protein bars, and we all assembled them so that the bags were brimming and full!   We held a brief business meeting to discuss upcoming Lenten and future activities, current status of the area, and planning and coordinating coverage for events in the near future.

Order of Malta, American Association, U.S.A.

American Association, U.S.A
1011 First Avenue, Room 1350
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522