On March 2nd, Members of Order of Malta, Philadelphia Area, gathered for Saturday Salve Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Philadelphia. Father Matthew Phelan, O. de M., pastor, was the principal celebrant, and Father Justin Freeman, O. de M., the parochial vicar concelebrated. Following Holy Mass, members gathered for a quick breakfast and business meeting to discuss upcoming activities, current status of the area, and planning and coordinating events like Knights who are attending the Man Up Philly conference, and attending our very joyful episcopal ordination of three new bishops for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. We also talked about coverage for events in the near future, like the upcoming Chrism Mass, and other plans for future events. Following our business meeting, we rolled up our sleeves and made and assembled scrumptious meals for our shut-in brothers and sisters who can’t get out of their homes regularly.
Philadelphia Area Meets for Holy Mass and Meal Preparation