Order of Malta


Philadelphia Area Celebrates Our Lady of Philermo at Our Lady of Lourdes


On Sunday, the 8th of September, members of the Philadelphia Area gathered to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in Overbrook, Philadelphia at Our Lady of Lourdes parish. Father Matthew Phelan, O de M., pastor, was the celebrant for the Mass, and during his homily, he spoke about the honorifics of Our Lady as celebrated since the 14th century by his Order, the Order of Mercy, and he also expounded upon Her birthday celebration under many titles, including Our Lady of Philermos. He gave a moving exegesis of the impact of this day on the faithful throughout history, and Her intercession under many appellations.

Knights and Dames invited clergy, interested prospects, their families, and other guests to share brunch and conviviality following Mass. At a certain point, our Area Chair, Dr. John Haas, opened the conversation by speaking in very inspirational terms about the history of the Order of Malta, and many members joined in to share about the spirituality and impact of being a member of the Order of Malta on their lives. Many shared stories about more recent and ongoing good works of the Order of Malta, both locally as well as all over the world.

All in all, it was an inspirational morning and pleasant afternoon.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522