Order of Malta


Michigan Area represented at Metro Detroit legal community’s “Red Mass”


The Michigan Area was well represented at the annual Red Mass at Sts. Peter and Paul Jesuit Church in Detroit, held on September 17th.

The Red Mass has been a tradition in the Metro Detroit legal community for 112 years, attended by numerous judges, lawyers, and law students. The Red Mass dates back at least as early as 1243, when Pope Innocent IV held a Red Mass to mark the coming term of the Ecclesial Judicial Court, asking for the Holy Spirit to grant wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, and strength. The color red signifies the Holy Spirit and martyrdom.

The Most Rev. Allen H. Vigneron, GCChC, archbishop of the Archdiocese of Detroit and principal chaplain of the Michigan Area, was the lead celebrant. The traditional procession of judges, law professors, and other dignitaries included Thomas Larabell, KM; Marcia McBrien, DM; and Michigan Area Chair Andy Smith, KM. McBrien and Smith are attorneys.  

McBrien, a past president of the Catholic Lawyers Society of Metropolitan Detroit, also was one of two attorneys taking up the gifts at the Offertory. 

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Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522