The North East Connecticut Area hosted the 10th annual and largest, fantastic Lourdes in a Day Pilgrimage, a day of grace and healing, on Saturday September 13, 2024 with over 170 Malades & their caregivers at St. Peter Claver Church in West Hartford. A huge thanks to the Area Sullivans sponsors who work so diligently promoting the event in parishes, contacting Malades and clergy for months in advance.

The Pilgrimage includes at no cost: Reconciliation, Rosary, Washing with Lourdes water, Anointing, Mass, with Eucharist, lunch, and concludes with Adoration & Benediction. Nearly two dozen Knights, Dames, and Auxiliary provided our Malades with the utmost care throughout the registration, Liturgies and lunch. Our entire group remained busy from start to finish and hopefully were enriched by the event that embodies our purpose.

We are deeply grateful to Bishop Emeritus Rosazza, ChC for his wonderful support and inspiring homily. Rev. MacNeill, ChD celebrated Mass and spoke so eloquently and fittingly during the event & lunch on feast day of the Exaltation of the Cross. We were very pleased to inform the attendees that Association President Ken Craig, GCM sent Fr. Joe his official Letter of Appointment as Area Deputy Chaplain with his approval by the Association Board of Directors on September 12th. Please see the photo his strong Advocate Bishop Peter giving his blessing to Father after Mass. A special day of grace and comfort greatly appreciated by all.