Order of Malta


Archbishop Sheen’s insights on the demonic shared with Michigan Area members at First Saturday of 2025


Devotion to Our Lady is the key to resisting the attacks of our souls’ enemies, Michigan Area members were told at the Area’s first event of 2025.

The Michigan Area held its January 4 First Saturday at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Detroit, where the featured speaker was Fr. Dave Tomaszycki. The topic was On the Demonic, a collection of writings by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, compiled and edited by Fr. Tomaszycki. 

Since Our Lady has the mission of crushing the demonic serpent’s head, her protection is essential, Fr. Tomaszycki said. A handwritten note by Archbishop Sheen, which Fr. Tomaszycki included in the book, advises the faithful to defeat evil by 1) reciting the Rosary, 2) having a statue of Our Lady, and 3) placing hope in her as the Immaculate Conception. 

After the presentation, Fr. Tomaszycki signed copies of the book for Michigan Area members. 

In keeping with the traditional First Saturday devotion, the event included Mass and the opportunity for Confession – but with a special Malta twist: The recitation of the Chaplet of the Order of Malta, led by Michigan Area Chair Andy Smith. Formulated by a Knight and Dame of the Charlotte Region of the Malta Federal Association, the chaplet includes 1) the Daily Prayer of the Order; 2) an examination of one’s efforts Tuitio Fidei; 3) an examination of one’s service Obsequium Pauperum; 4) intercessory prayers to Our Lady of Philermo, St. John the Baptist, and Blessed Fra’ Gerard; and 5) meditations on the eight Beatitudes.  

Mass was celebrated by Fr. Tomaszycki. Readings at Mass were proclaimed by Ed Jelonek, KM, and Cathy Stark, DM. Chris Rutkowski, KM, offered the Prayers of the Faithful. Andy Smith led the group in the Daily Prayer of the Order at the end of Mass. The breakfast was provided by Chris Rutkowski and Member in Formation June Rutkowski, members of the Michigan Area’s Hospitality Ministry. 

That afternoon, as part of the Area’s “Into the Fire” ministry, Associates Karla and Tim Dorweiler; John Juriga, KM; and Cathy Stark distributed bag lunches to people living on the streets of Detroit. 

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Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522