On Saturday, March 1st, the Philadelphia Area welcomed guests for their monthly Holy Mass and Meal Ministry. Knights and Dames gathered for Saturday Salve Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Philadelphia.
Father Justin Freeman, O. de M., was the principal celebrant, and both Father Matthew Phelan, O. de M., pastor, and Father Joseph Eddy, O. de M., concelebrated. We joyfully welcomed several guests, including a candidate in Formation, some from the Netherlands, a Knight and Dame from outside the immediate Area, and others.
After eating a quick breakfast, we talked about the Order to the newcomers, discussed Area business, the upcoming Lourdes pilgrimage, and a joint Lenten Reflection with our confreres and consuers in the Federal Association. Then we prayed together, rolled up our sleeves, donned our aprons and made meals as usual.