Order of Malta

Scranton Spirituality in Action

Blanket Distribution

Ten members of the Scranton Area Order purchased customized Order of Malta fleece blankets to distribute to those in need. Thanks to local agencies, these Knights, Dames, and Auxiliary were able to bring these blankets to the poor and marginalized in the Scranton Area.

Family to Family

A Scranton Area member distributes groceries to the poor and marginalized.

Kroelich Park Outing

Three members of the Scranton Area Order financially support the Catherine McAuley Center for its annual day trip for clients to a local amusement park.

Malade Mass

Ten Knights, Dames, and Auxiliary members host a healing Mass for members, malades, and caregivers at the University of Scranton. Members organize the Mass and a dinner afterwards.

Prison Ministry

A member of the Scranton Area distributes Bibles and Prayer Books to women inmates in the local prison. This member has also provided tutoring sessions to these women.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522