Order of Malta


May 5: Reflection from Rev. Owen B. Moran, ChM


Reflection for May 5 from Rev. Owen B. Moran, ChM

Loving Father, as we gather today on this International Day, we thank you for Mary our Blessed Mother of Lourdes. We thank you for her appearance to St. Bernadette on a simple hillside in a remote area. We thank you for the miraculous waters which now gush forward to help all who visit this holy place. We appreciate the gift of travel and that through modern transportation the sick, the weary, the healthy can visit this beautiful grotto and receive grace and blessings. We thank you for our beloved Order, the Order of Malta, for all of us who serve under the mantle of our Blessed Mother. Keep us strong and filled with purpose.

We pray this through Christ our Lord.


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Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522