Order of Malta


Cardinal Dolan’s Prayer for Members, Malades, and Caregivers


Even though the American Association will not be visiting Lourdes this year, perhaps we could all take a few moments to pray this prayer daily until May 5, for not only ourselves, but in a special way for our dear Malades and all caregivers.

Heavenly Father,

I know I can come to you once again because you always have a listening ear for me, and for this I am most grateful.

I pray today for not only myself, but for many who are need of your graces.

In a special way, I pray for all of those who are afflicted with illness, no matter what specific disease or disability.

I believe that you are with us always and always hear our prayers.

Only you know what each one of us needs, Lord.

Only you could bring us your healing and peace.

Allow us each to accept your ways and strengthen our trust in you, both in good times and in bad.

I also ask that you please rid this evil virus that now plagues not our world, but yours, Lord; the world that only you created.

Please guide and protect our doctors, and researchers, all health professionals in seeking ways to help those who are afflicted with the coronavirus.

Bless also all caregivers and give them the strength and fortitude to carry on their tireless work to be your eyes, ears, mouth and hands.

Help those in government leadership to do what is right for all mankind to end this horrific disease once and for all.

Even though our Order could not bring our beloved Malades and their Caregivers to your holy place called Lourdes this year, please know that we are still there in spirit.

The same spirit which lifts our bodies, and minds to bring us ever closer to you and your blessed Mother.

May You and your Mother continue to bring to us hope, healing and love, now and forever.

Please grant these petitions, and I thank you for your listening ear, once again.

I pray this in Your Name. Amen.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522