Order of Malta


Finding the Place God Wants Her To Be


Hands-On Ministry in a Women’s Prison

Mary Jo Kriz hadn’t intended to serve in prison ministry. In fact, when the Vice Rector of St. John’s Seminary, she was enrolled in the Master of Arts in Ministry Program suggested she spend her time in pastoral formation visiting a women’s prison, she tried to do almost anything else. Eventually she reluctantly agreed to visit. The first time she attended Mass with the women, her attitude changed. “I will never forget the Lord saying to me, ‘You weren’t ready for this one minute before now.’”

Many years later, Mary Jo said visiting the women’s prison is a huge part of her life. It was natural upon joining the Order of Malta five years ago that she would continue with this prison ministry outreach. She said she hadn’t realized how much the Order of Malta helped people in prison, and all of the resources that they provided. “It just gave me a greater sense of how important this ministry is.”

When not prevented by COVID restrictions, Mary Jo has attended weekly Mass with the women, helping prepare before and clean up after. She also has one-on-one spiritual sessions, a prospect that she said in the beginning intimidated her. “What could I give them? My supervisor would always say, ‘Just ask them where did they see God in their week? Where did they see God in their day? What are their struggles with their faith or with God.’” She’s been meeting with one female inmate for 13 years.

Mary Jo said building trust with the women is critical. After that, she helps them to learn how to pray with intention. Then, “it just kind of takes on a life of its own…if I let it. If I let the Lord run the meetings.” She tells the women, “When we are together, the Holy Spirit is here.”

“I feel privileged to be part of these women’s lives. I’m in the place the Lord wants me to be.”

For more information about the American Association’s Prison Ministry Program, contact Craig Gibson, Chair of the Prison Ministry Committee at cbgibson@comcast.net.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522