Order of Malta


Boston Area Welcomes 10 Members at Investiture Weekend


We extend the warmest welcome to our newest members of the Order of Malta, American Association from the Boston Area: Queenie Cheong, MD, Christina M. Kelly, Carolyn Lemone, Ronald H. Bleday, MD, Daniel P. Braga, Steven J. Hardy, Jr., Richard P. Howley, Christopher P. Kelly, Anthony S. Lemone, and Emir C. Roach, MD.

We offer gratitude and appreciation to Jack MacKinnon for all of his efforts to organize and plan the Thursday night dinner for members of the Boston and Illinois Areas. This enjoyable annual dinner was held again at the venerable Lotos Club with members, friends, and three of our Order of Malta Chaplains, Fr. Brian Kiely, Fr. Frank Sevola, and Msgr. Robert Dempsey.

The New Members Orientation took place on Thursday afternoon with many informative presentations on a range of activities and ministries. Tom Reedy, Admissions Committee Chair, hosted the meeting, and kicked it off with a warm welcome from President Peter Kelly, MD. Presentations included: Holy Family Hospital Foundation, The Malta Mission to the United Nations, Malteser International, Pilgrimage for Life, Human Trafficking, Prison Ministry, Malta Mobile Ministry, and Hospitaller ministries.

Nearby, a workshop for Area Leaders was held with many terrific updates, including news on the exciting momentum for the Called to Serve Capital Campaign.

At 4PM on Thursday afternoon, many gathered at St. Patrick’s Cathedral for the Mass and Blessing of the Capes/Robes for our new members, and the installation of Deputy Chaplains, including Msgr. Kevin O’Leary for the Boston Area.

Following Mass was the New Members Reception for new members, sponsors, and families. This event was hosted by the Board of Councillors. In the photo above, new member, Dr. Ron Bleday, his wife, Maureen, along with Chancellor Ed Delaney and BOC member, John Murphy, MD.

At The Lotos Club dinner, we were joined by members of the Illinois Area. President Peter Kelly, MD, and his wife Linda, extended a warm welcome to all.

On Friday morning, we convened at 9AM for the Annual Business Meeting for all members, family members, and chaplains. Exciting updates were provided by President Peter Kelly, MD, Chancellor Ed Delaney, and many others.

His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan, BGCHD served as the Principal Celebrant at the Solemn Liturgy of Investiture on Friday afternoon at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. He oversaw the installation of our two new Magistral Chaplains for the Boston Area: Rev. Msgr. James Moroney, and Rev. Frank Sevola, as well as the new Dames and Knights of Magistral Grace.

President Peter J. Kelly, MD, and Cardinal Dolan welcoming all new members, including Ron Bleday, MD, in this photo.

After a lively reception, the Annual Dinner convened at 7:30PM in the Grand Ballroom with President Peter Kelly, MD welcoming special guest speaker, His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Principal Chaplain of the American Association.

After dinner, President Kelly made a very special announcement and presentation to our Chancellor Ed Delaney. Ed was recognized with the Cross Pro Merito Melitensi award by the Sovereign Council in Rome. The Cross Pro Merito Melitensi is awarded to those who have brought honor to the Order of Malta, promoting Christian values in serving the poor, sick and disadvantaged.

As always, many thanks to each of you, for continuing to be radiant signs of God’s love in the world, and for witnessing the joy of Gospel both in word and deed!

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522