Order of Malta


A Bridge to Transformation


Florida Deacon Hopes To Deliver Inspiration Along With Order of Malta Bibles

“I want them to know that what they are receiving from the Word of God is uniquely guided, designed and intended for them and their growth,” said Deacon Richard Dodd. He is talking about his experience of handing out Order of Malta Bibles and prayer books to prison inmates.

Deacon Dodd is the Diocesan Coordinator for Ministries to the Incarcerated in the nine counties of the Diocese of Orlando, Florida. The office’s responsibilities include mentoring, evangelization and performing Communion services. Deacon Dodd distributes the Order of Malta Bibles and prayer books to other ministers in the prison system, but it is his own interactions that illustrate how much the gift of these Bibles and prayer books can affect those who are incarcerated.

With entry restrictions placed upon prisons due to the COVID pandemic, Deacon Dodd is particularly appreciative of the Order of Malta Bibles and prayer books. “Although our access has been limited in some of the facilities that we serve, the resources that the Order of Malta, American Association provides remain essential to the evangelical work and Catholic presence which is so important for the incarcerated,” he said.

When delivering an Order of Malta Bibles in person he makes sure to connect with the inmate. “Nobody gets a Bible from me without my hand prayerfully touching theirs as they receive the Bible,” he said. “I want them to know that the Spirit that has inspired me to do this work with them, and for them, is being done in the name of God. The holy Word that they are now accepting is coming as a gift, that will hopefully inspire them as it has inspired me.”

He added, “It gives us great encouragement to know that we in this ministry, are being used as a bridge to their transformation through the holy Word of God in the Order of Malta Bibles supplied to us by the American Association. We are grateful.”

For more information about the American Association’s Prison Ministry Program, contact Craig Gibson, Chair of the Prison Ministry Committee at cbgibson@comcast.net.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522