Order of Malta


New Jersey – Paterson Diocese Bishop Kevin Sweeney visits Morris County Correctional Facility


On Wednesday, April 6, Kevin J. Sweeney, DD, Bishop of Paterson, joined together with the New Jersey Area’s Prison Ministry team to celebrate Palm Sunday at the Morris County Correctional Facility. The morning began with a breakfast for Bishop Sweeney, hosted by the staff of the correctional facility and Sheriff James Gannon. The staff enjoyed the opportunity to meet and talk with the Bishop and spend time with the Order’s Prison Ministry team.

Afterwards, Bishop Sweeney celebrated two Masses, one for the men and one for the women inmates. Many staff members also attended. Rev. Owen Moran, ChM, and Fr. Alex Nevitt were concelebrants. The Bishop’s homily reassured the inmates that, even if they feel unworthy or unloved, Jesus’ death on the cross testifies to His personal love for each of them. The inmates were thrilled that the Bishop took time out of his schedule to care for them.

Father Moran and the New Jersey Area’s Prison Ministry team meet with the inmates at the Morris County Correctional Facility on a weekly basis. Mass is celebrated with the inmates and confessions are heard. Our Order of Malta Bibles and prayer books, as well as other Catholic literature, are also available for the inmates. The ministry outreach will soon also include the recitation of the Rosary and scripture study.

Photos by Joe Gigli; The Beacon; Paterson Diocesan Newspaper

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522