Order of Malta


Northeast Florida Area’s Morning of Recollection


The Northeast Florida Area gathered at St. Joseph’s Historic Chapel in Jacksonville to commemorate the “Passion of St. John the Baptist” on Saturday, August 27th.

The event was led by Rev. Briggs Hurley, who presented in three talks a very intellectual account of the Gospel of John and how it enriches our knowledge and understanding of St. John the Baptist. All present were awed by the depth and beauty of Rev. Hurley’s presentation and understanding of Greek, Latin, Hebrew and Aramaic.

He showed many examples of how these languages enhance our understanding of the Gospels. This spiritually enlightening morning was attended by the Knights and Dames of both the American Association and Federal Association and guests. The event also featured Morning Prayer, Adoration and Benediction, Mass, and lunch. It was a beautiful blend of faith and fellowship!

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522