Order of Malta


2024 Pilgrimage for Life: With Every Mother, For Every Child


The American Association’s Pilgrimage for Life is a journey of advocacy for life and a testament to our dedication to serving those in need, witnessing our faith, and sharing Christ’s love with those who are forgotten, rejected or marginalized. It is a living example of how the Order of Malta embraces its mission in the modern world, advocating for the vulnerable and upholding the dignity of all life.

More than fifty members of our Association, joined by tens of thousands from our country and around the world, braved snow, frigid temperatures, and chilling winds to give witness to the sanctity of life and the need to support mothers and children in a world that seems so often to be hostile to both.

Click here for a reflection on the Pilgrimage from Michigan Area Chair Andy Smith.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522