Order of Malta


Vero Beach Area – Camp Haven Support Project


Throughout the month of February, the Order of Malta solicited for assistance in the support of Camp Haven for items in support of the 22 men who reside there, and for the transitional men that come through Vero Beach in need of help.

We were able to collect and add to donations of the following and packed and delivered to Camp Haven on March 2nd, 2024:

socks – 4 pair each plus a lot of extras, 
Walmart gift cards (25 – $25), 
breakfast bars, protein bars,  
sunscreen, moisturizer, 
Toiletries: soap, deodorant, tooth paste, tooth brush, 
floss, wash cloths,  and razors 

All of these items were packed by the Order into 25 backpacks and there were also boxes of plenty of extras of each item to serve the transitional needs of those who come to them for help. Additionally, we were able to provide : Water, Gatorade (12 cases each) and a platter of fresh sandwiches for the day! The staff on site which received these donations and replied “God Bless You People for all that you do!”

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522