Order of Malta


North East Connecticut Area Celebrates Feast of St. John the Baptist


The Apostles of the Sacred Heart, ASCJ hosted the meeting and special Liturgy for the Connecticut – North East Area at their Sacred Heart Manor in Hamden CT, on Saturday, June 15th. This very special venue was chosen to celebrate the Nativity of St. John the Baptist in remembrance of our recently deceased Rev. Dr. Thomas J. Kelly Jr., ChM.  The Principal Celebrant was Rev. David Borino, his friend and former Malade on a past Lourdes Pilgrimage.

It was very timely to hold this event on the campus of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart during the month of June. The Chair and officers briefed the members on important Area updates and upcoming events.   Sister Susan, RN – ASCJ,  delivered a very comprehensive reflection on the history and devotions to the Sacred Heart for everyday life. Rev. Joseph MacNeill of Blessed Michael McGivney Parish was very pleased to offer a very inspired homily on the devotions of the feast day and the works of the Order.


After the Daily Prayer of the Order, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus Peter Rosazza, ChC, blessed the shadow box containing Fr. Kelly’s, ChM, Order Jewel from his Investiture in 2017. It will be retained on permanent display at the Sacred Heart Residence where Fr. Kelly was also Chaplain for many years. Many of the Sisters, who attended the Liturgy, were former Lourdes Malades and joined the Area group picture with the Celebrants and Sr. Susan.

We thank the Sisters for their very gracious welcoming and Subdeacon Paul Zalonski, who is anticipated to be invested in November, for arranging this very special event and for the delicious Italian luncheon at the Amici Tavern.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522