Order of Malta


Northeast Florida Area’s Morning of Recollection


On Saturday, August 31st, members of the Northeast Florida Area attended a wonderful event for the Passion of St. John the Baptist. The “Morning of Recollection” was held on the campus of San Juan Del Rio Catholic Church. The day began with a social and a beautiful breakfast. Father Mackenzie Hill, Parochial Vicar of the Cathedral Basilica of St. Augustine, led us in two inspiring sessions, Eucharistic Adoration, Confession, and Holy Mass.

The theme of Father Mac’s presentation was centered on “Inner Healing”. He explained that Jesus desires us to be totally free, not slaves of sin but to be fully alive! Father Mac then led us in an exercise in which we created a “forgiveness inventory” of people that we hold grudges against for some injury that they have inflicted upon us. 

The second part of the healing process is to pray the “Forgiveness Prayer” for each person on that list releasing them from all anger and bitterness. He gave us beautiful examples of people that have been healed and transformed by using this process and prayer. 

Father Mac used the imagery of a medieval city which incurred attacks and then to protect itself by building walls around the city. He explained that the human heart incurs wounds and then we also build walls within ourselves to fortify ourselves from injury. We must work to forgive others and free ourselves from our wounded hearts. He repeated the phrase that “People that are healed, heal people. While wounded people continue to wound others”. We thoroughly appreciated Father Mac’s practical and personal approach to creating inner peace and lightening our hearts!

Process of Forgiveness

  1. Create a “Forgiveness Inventory”
  2. Repeat the prayer below for everyone on your list.

Lord Jesus, in your name and by your power, I choose to forgive_____, for ______. And I release them from all anger and bitterness, in your name Lord. 

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522