Order of Malta

Boston Calendar

Date/Time Event
1:30 pm Boston
Help Lead the Rosary at St Clare Nursing Home in Newport

Residents of the Nursing Home in Newport, RI would be extremely grateful if you were to join them and lead the rosary. Order of Malta members currently lead the rosary for them on Saturdays at 1:30pm and Wednesdays at 4pm. If interested in helping lead one of the sessions please reach out to Bob Sirhal.

1:30 pm Boston
Help Lead the Rosary at St Clare Nursing Home in Newport

Residents of the Nursing Home in Newport, RI would be extremely grateful if you were to join them and lead the rosary. Order of Malta members currently lead the rosary for them on Saturdays at 1:30pm and Wednesdays at 4pm. If interested in helping lead one of the sessions please reach out to Bob Sirhal.

12:00 pm Boston
St Patrick's Day Mass - Holy Cross

The Order of Malta has been invited to process at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross special Saint Patrick’s Day Mass. Please arrive downstair by 11:15am if you would like to join in on the procession. Please reach out to Marlene O’Brien if you have any questions.


1:30 pm Boston
Help Lead the Rosary at St Clare Nursing Home in Newport

Residents of the Nursing Home in Newport, RI would be extremely grateful if you were to join them and lead the rosary. Order of Malta members currently lead the rosary for them on Saturdays at 1:30pm and Wednesdays at 4pm. If interested in helping lead one of the sessions please reach out to Bob Sirhal.

9:45 am - 11:45 am Boston
Lenten Reflection

With Msgr. James P. Moroney, ChM

Waiting in Joyful Hope: The Meaning Lent

Drawing on The Mass Explained, his popular commentary on the meaning of the Mass (third edition, Catholic Book), Monsignor Moroney will explore the celebration for the Mass as the source and summit of our hope as the central theme of Lent, as celebrated in this Jubilee Year.

Saint Cecilia Church in Leominster, MA

9:45 AM: Welcome and Refreshments (Rectory)

10:15 AM Lenten Morning Prayer (Chapel)

11:00 AM Waiting in Joyful Hope: The Meaning of Lent presentation and discussion (Chapel)

Following the presentation, Monsignor will offer an introduction to Saint Cecilia Church, one of the largest Gothic revival churches in New England. Built in the midst of the depression by immigrants from Acadia and Quebec, it is one of the finest examples of Augustus Pugin’s vision of the perfect Catholic architecture.

There is no charge for the Lenten Reflection. Registration available through email sent out. 

1:30 pm Boston
Help Lead the Rosary at St Clare Nursing Home in Newport

Residents of the Nursing Home in Newport, RI would be extremely grateful if you were to join them and lead the rosary. Order of Malta members currently lead the rosary for them on Saturdays at 1:30pm and Wednesdays at 4pm. If interested in helping lead one of the sessions please reach out to Bob Sirhal.

12:00 am Boston
Volunteer with Us at Malta Walks

Come join us in Boston or Providence for our Malta Walks. It is a tough time of year to be living on the streets but a fresh meal, Dunkin gift card and other necessities can make a big difference and so can you!

Boston Malta Walks meet every other Wednesday at the Cathedral of Holy Cross. For more information and to get added to the Boston Malta Walks please reach out to Steve Hardy.

Malta Walk Providence meets the last Wednesday of the month at Cathedral of St Peter and Paul. For more information and to get added to the Providence Malta Walks distribution list please reach out to Bob Sirhal.

1:30 pm Boston
Help Lead the Rosary at St Clare Nursing Home in Newport

Residents of the Nursing Home in Newport, RI would be extremely grateful if you were to join them and lead the rosary. Order of Malta members currently lead the rosary for them on Saturdays at 1:30pm and Wednesdays at 4pm. If interested in helping lead one of the sessions please reach out to Bob Sirhal.

1:30 pm Boston
Help Lead the Rosary at St Clare Nursing Home in Newport

Residents of the Nursing Home in Newport, RI would be extremely grateful if you were to join them and lead the rosary. Order of Malta members currently lead the rosary for them on Saturdays at 1:30pm and Wednesdays at 4pm. If interested in helping lead one of the sessions please reach out to Bob Sirhal.

10:30 am Boston
Holy Mass and Mid Lent Luncheon

Rev. Fr Ghazar (Lazarus) Bedrossian (who joined us during our Advent Event) has extended an invitation for the Order of Malta Boston Members to join them in the Armenian Catholic Rite at Holy Cross Armenian Catholic Church. We will plan on having Malta members sit together at the luncheon. Please use the registration link in the email or contact Stacey Reisman.

1:30 pm Boston
Help Lead the Rosary at St Clare Nursing Home in Newport

Residents of the Nursing Home in Newport, RI would be extremely grateful if you were to join them and lead the rosary. Order of Malta members currently lead the rosary for them on Saturdays at 1:30pm and Wednesdays at 4pm. If interested in helping lead one of the sessions please reach out to Bob Sirhal.

1:30 pm Boston
Help Lead the Rosary at St Clare Nursing Home in Newport

Residents of the Nursing Home in Newport, RI would be extremely grateful if you were to join them and lead the rosary. Order of Malta members currently lead the rosary for them on Saturdays at 1:30pm and Wednesdays at 4pm. If interested in helping lead one of the sessions please reach out to Bob Sirhal.

1:30 pm Boston
Help Lead the Rosary at St Clare Nursing Home in Newport

Residents of the Nursing Home in Newport, RI would be extremely grateful if you were to join them and lead the rosary. Order of Malta members currently lead the rosary for them on Saturdays at 1:30pm and Wednesdays at 4pm. If interested in helping lead one of the sessions please reach out to Bob Sirhal.

1:30 pm Boston
Help Lead the Rosary at St Clare Nursing Home in Newport

Residents of the Nursing Home in Newport, RI would be extremely grateful if you were to join them and lead the rosary. Order of Malta members currently lead the rosary for them on Saturdays at 1:30pm and Wednesdays at 4pm. If interested in helping lead one of the sessions please reach out to Bob Sirhal.

Volunteer with Us at Cor Unum

Have the opportunity to join in with other Order of Malta Members to serve guests at the Core Unum meals center in Lawerence, MA.

The Order of Malta, led by Evie Caron, serves dinner the second Sunday of every Month. Join us and see what a difference you can make!

For more information and to get added to the Cor Unum distribution list, please reach out to Evie Caron.

1:30 pm Boston
Help Lead the Rosary at St Clare Nursing Home in Newport

Residents of the Nursing Home in Newport, RI would be extremely grateful if you were to join them and lead the rosary. Order of Malta members currently lead the rosary for them on Saturdays at 1:30pm and Wednesdays at 4pm. If interested in helping lead one of the sessions please reach out to Bob Sirhal.

1:30 pm Boston
Help Lead the Rosary at St Clare Nursing Home in Newport

Residents of the Nursing Home in Newport, RI would be extremely grateful if you were to join them and lead the rosary. Order of Malta members currently lead the rosary for them on Saturdays at 1:30pm and Wednesdays at 4pm. If interested in helping lead one of the sessions please reach out to Bob Sirhal.

1:30 pm Boston
Help Lead the Rosary at St Clare Nursing Home in Newport

Residents of the Nursing Home in Newport, RI would be extremely grateful if you were to join them and lead the rosary. Order of Malta members currently lead the rosary for them on Saturdays at 1:30pm and Wednesdays at 4pm. If interested in helping lead one of the sessions please reach out to Bob Sirhal.

1:30 pm Boston
Help Lead the Rosary at St Clare Nursing Home in Newport

Residents of the Nursing Home in Newport, RI would be extremely grateful if you were to join them and lead the rosary. Order of Malta members currently lead the rosary for them on Saturdays at 1:30pm and Wednesdays at 4pm. If interested in helping lead one of the sessions please reach out to Bob Sirhal.

12:00 am Boston
Volunteer with Us at Malta Walks

Come join us in Boston or Providence for our Malta Walks. It is a tough time of year to be living on the streets but a fresh meal, Dunkin gift card and other necessities can make a big difference and so can you!

Boston Malta Walks meet every other Wednesday at the Cathedral of Holy Cross. For more information and to get added to the Boston Malta Walks please reach out to Steve Hardy.

Malta Walk Providence meets the last Wednesday of the month at Cathedral of St Peter and Paul. For more information and to get added to the Providence Malta Walks distribution list please reach out to Bob Sirhal.

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Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522