Order of Malta


God Speaks to Us in Many Ways


NYC Pen Pal Writer Finds Experience To Be Enlightening

Between her day job as an executive assistant in private equity in NYC and a budding singing career, Lauren Andree, age 32 and an Auxiliary member of the Order, leads a busy life. Yet, she still makes time to participate in the New York Area’s Prison Ministry Pen Pal Program. Lauren is a letter writer, and when she heard about the Pen Pal Program, she was immediately interested. “I’ve always liked learning about people whose experiences are different from my own,” she said. “And I liked the idea of maybe being able to help someone, make their day better by giving them a letter.”

Lauren has found the Pen Pal Program to be a rewarding, two-way experience, helping both her and her pen pal to grow in the Spirit. “It felt like I was just sharing a little bit about me, the way I would with any pen pal,” she said. “And I invited my pen pal to tell me about himself. It just felt very natural to me.”

In the beginning, Lauren said she’d felt some trepidation, wondering if she would get a reply. She was excited when she got her first letter back. Since then, she has found the experience to be enlightening. “My pen pal has expressed gratitude for my openness with him. He always includes a scripture verse, or he’ll write out a prayer for me, or he’ll write out something from his Bible study for me.”

Sometimes, the letter Lauren receives from her pen pal is just what she needed to hear that day. She said she believes God speaks to us through all sorts of means. “It truly does feel sometimes that God is speaking to me through these letters. And I’m very grateful for that.”

For more information about the American Association’s Pen Pal Program, contact Steven Hawkins, Program Coordinator at hawkins.steven1969@gmail.com.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522