Order of Malta


Connecticut Area Glove and Sock Drive Huge Success


The Connecticut Area would like to extend their heartfelt thanks to members, friends, and family across the American Association for helping to make the Be The Hands & Feet Of Jesus campaign to benefit the Thomas Merton Center’s Project Warm an outrageous success! 1,500+ pairs of socks, 1,000+ pairs of glove, and many hats were collected during this campaign. Not only were we able to provide Thomas Merton Center with these much-needed items but we also delivered hundreds of warm socks and gloves to the following places:

• Open Door Shelter in Norwalk, CT
• Danbury Hospital Emergency Department
• Norwalk Hospital Emergency Department
• The PEHT home for survivors of Human Trafficking in Bridgeport, CT
• Helping Hands for the Homeless & Hungry, Inc in Westchester, NY

Thank you to all of our generous members who participated in this sock & glove drive. We are overwhelmed with gratitude and those we care for have felt your love, care, and concern.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522