Order of Malta


NYC Area Vaccinates 25 Individuals at PACE Center


On Friday, April 9th, a small group of New York – NYC Area members, in conjunction with Malteser International Americas and Archcare, assisted in the COVID-19 vaccination of 25 individuals at the East Harlem PACE center. This was the “dry run” for the coming 8-10 weeks when it is hoped that we will be able to vaccinate 100-200 individuals each week from the East Harlem community and beyond. 

PACE (Program for the All inclusive Care of the Elderly) is operated by Archcare and provides care for the elderly who are able to remain in their own homes.

More volunteers are needed for the coming weeks (on Fridays). Please contact Marissa Blackett, DM,  or Camille Kelleher, DMOb, if you are able to assist either as a vaccinator or a receptionist.  

Order of Malta, American Association, U.S.A.

American Association, U.S.A
1011 First Avenue, Room 1350
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522