On Tuesday, July 13th, 7 members of the New Jersey Area journeyed to the World Apostolate of Fatima, commonly known as the Blue Army Shrine, in Washington, NJ to process with guest homilist Cardinal Burke into the chapel for Mass. This Mass is offered for pilgrims for the Memorial of Our Lady’s appearance in Fatima on July 13, 1917.

On Thursday, July 15th, 125 members of the New Jersey Area and guests gathered at Christ the King Church in New Vernon, NJ to hear Cardinal Burke’s address, entitled “To Restore All Things in Christ,” a presentation that centered around the kingship of Christ and His call for service, catechesis, and fidelity to His truths in a world that promotes the siren call of deceit and atheism.
A copy of this address can be found here. A Q&A session followed, allowing for deeper discussion of the theological and philosophical foundation of Cardinal Burke’s comments.

The evening ended with a reception in the parish community center, during which attendees met in-person with Cardinal Burke and newly appointed Paterson Diocese Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney, DD. These events were coordinated by Co-Area Chair Christine Myers, DM; Marina Perna, Esq., DM; Metuchen Hospitaler Michael Ligorano, Esq., KM; and Paterson Co-Hospitallers Sue Sameth, DM and Bob Sameth, KM.