Techniques for Effective Proclaiming: Speaking Skills to Bring God’s Word to Life
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
7:00PM to 8:30PM ET
It is a pleasure to announce a new offering in the ongoing series of online workshops for the Year of the Eucharist in partnership with Liturgical Training Publications (Chicago, IL). With an eye towards continuing to grow in the faith and serving others during these challenging times, we are excited to invite you to the next online gathering and workshop to increase your capacity to serve your community and engage with Christ through the Word.
Please consider joining us for an opportunity to grow profoundly in your own relationship with the Lord through His word as proclaimed during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Advance registration is required for all attendees! Click here to register.
This workshop will focus on ensuring the lector is practically and spiritually prepared to serve in this ministry. Participants will look at best practices and techniques for God’s word, reflect upon the task of public speaking prayerfully, as well as explore techniques for pronunciation and projection within the context of a spiritual preparation for the ministry.

Todd Williamson is the current Director of the Office for Divine Worship of the Archdiocese of Chicago. He is the author of two editions of Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays:The Almanac for Pastoral Liturgy (2007 and 2008, LTP) and has contributed to subsequent editions. He is also co-author of Bringing Catechesis and Liturgy Together: Let the Mystery Lead You! (2002, TwentyThird Publications), and he has written for numerous periodicals (Rite, Pastoral Liturgy, Catechumenate, and Religion Teacher’s Journal).
In addition to writing, he is a teacher and national speaker in the areas of liturgy and the sacraments. He is co-host of the monthly radio program, Focus on the Liturgy, which airs on the fourth Wednesday of every month on Relevant Radio 950 AM, in the Chicagoland area.
Todd has been the director of the Office for Divine Worship for eight years. As such, he has dealt with countless pastoral situations in regards to the liturgy. It is from this unique experience that he writes in this blog: breaking open the English texts and making connections to our spiritual and ministerial lives as people of faith