Order of Malta


Pen Pal Program Update: Steve Hawkins, KM


While many of us agonize once again over the possibilities of mask mandates as another COVID surge takes hold, for our brothers and sisters inside prison walls, the continued isolation posed by the pandemic has surpassed the unimaginable point. Most have not had a visitor in nearly two years. With little prospect of things improving any time soon, the pen pal program provides even more hope now, than ever before. 

Hundreds of insiders await someone willing to write once a month to assure them they are not forgotten, that they have value, and that God loves them. Karen, an outsider from Minnesota writes “Several of my pen pals have mentioned that letters bring big smiles to their faces. My random written conversations are being saved. These new contacts have made me feel important in their lives. I didn’t realize by asking for prayers for me and my family, I was providing a way for them to give back.”

It only takes a few minutes a month, from the comfort of your home, and on your own schedule, to make a difference in the life of someone behind bars.

For more information about the American Association’s Pen Pal Program, contact Steven Hawkins, Program Coordinator at hawkins.steven1969@gmail.com.


Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522