Order of Malta


Bringing the Word of God to Juveniles in Prison


Doctor Hopes Order of Malta Bibles and Prayer Books Will Guide Young Lives

Dr. John Das has served  in the American Association Prison Ministry program since his Year of Formation as a new member in the Order of Malta, which started while he was in medical school. As part of his involvement with the Newman Center at Kent State University, he visited a juvenile detention center along with fellow students and a deacon who conducted prayer services. The services, which included the daily readings, as well as the distribution of Holy Communion, attracted a mix of Catholics and members of other Christian denominations. “I had the opportunity to share reflections on some of the readings and talk about them with the juveniles there,” Dr. Das said.

In 2017, he became a member of the Order of Malta in the Ohio Area. During his Year of Formation, he was excited to learn of the Order’s commitment to Prison Ministry. Now, not long out of medical school, Dr. Das continues to connect with the young people and adults through the Order of Malta Bible and Prayer Book program, even as COVID restrictions have paused in-person visits. Before COVID, Dr. Das experienced first-hand how many of the juveniles really love to receive the Order of Malta Bible and Prayer Books. “I’ll usually tell them to start reading the Gospel of John, where they can learn about the life of Christ and why He came to earth in order to provide salvation for us,” he said. “Then the prayer books help them grow that relationship with Jesus Christ, and I think that’s very helpful too.”

Dr. Das cited recent statistics from the Barna Research Group that it is in their young years that people are most likely to make a commitment to Christ. Providing the Order of Malta Bible and Prayer Books is an opportunity to bring the Gospel to adolescents who may never have heard it and who could use the Word as a guide for their lives. “I am humbled to be an instrument that God can use to place an Order of Malta Bible in their hands; it’s a powerful moment when I am able to deliver the Gospel to others.”

For more information about the American Association’s Prison Ministry Program, contact Craig Gibson, Chair of the Prison Ministry Committee at cbgibson@comcast.net.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522