Order of Malta


Philadelphia Area Welcomes Little Sisters of the Poor and Attends Priestly Ordinations


This week, Knights and Dames from the Philadelphia Area were pleased to welcome the Little Sisters of the Poor. Sister Veronica Susan gave a beautiful and informative talk about their history in our beloved city, which goes back to 1869. She also told those in attendance about their current mission in Philadelphia, which focuses upon care for the elderly poor, and shared a video presentation about the future plans of the Little Sisters of the Poor.

The very next day, several Knights and Dames were grateful to attend the ordination of priests for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Archbishop Nelson Perez was the principal celebrant. Archbishop Perez was joined by Archbishop Chaput, auxiliary bishops, guest archbishop, and other clergy and deacons at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Logan Circle, as six men were ordained and joined the ranks of their brother priests.

It was a blessed day full of the Holy Spirit and the Mass brought special grace and joy of the Gospel to our midst. We were especially blessed to welcome a Knight and Dame from another Area, who joined us in procession as they witnessed the ordination of their nephew and godson, who is one of our newly ordained priests! What a sweet blessing!

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522