Order of Malta


NYC Area Members Host Flu Vaccination Clinics


Members of the New York City Area recently conducted two Flu Vaccination Clinics, in partnership with Malteser International Americas (MIA), assisting guests of area emergency food providers.

On Thursday, October 20th, Area members and nursing volunteers were at the St. Francis Breadline in Manhattan, signing up and administering flu shots to 46 Breadline guests. Area members also distributed gift bags containing winter hats, gloves and socks, and a food gift card to the guests. Following the clinic, Rev. Joseph Cavoto, OFM, ChM, celebrated Mass for our volunteers at St Francis of Assisi Church.

On Wednesday, October 26th, the NYC Area and MIA conducted a second Flu Vaccination Clinic at Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church. This clinic was held in conjunction with the lunch service provided by the Ecumenical Outreach Partnership, a collaborative ministry of Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and St. Thomas Church. A total of 30 guests received flu shots and gift bags at this clinic.

Members feel blessed to have been able to provide this health service to vulnerable members of the community and advance the Order’s mission of ministering to the poor and the sick.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522