Order of Malta


Ukraine Efforts Commended and Special Service Recognized in Boston


Following Mass for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, Boston Area Chair Tommy Driscoll, KM, was joined by the American Association past Executive Director Dr. Jack Shine, KM, past Boston Area Chair Joseph Feitelberg, KMOb, and members of the Boston Area leadership team in recognizing the outstanding contributions of several Order of Malta members and volunteers with awards from both the Order’s Sovereign Council in Rome as well as the Boston Area.

Campaign for the Ukraine Emergency Commendations

For specific emergencies, the Sovereign Council of the Order of Malta identifies missions which deserve to be recognized with a tangible sign of the special contributions made by Order of Malta members and volunteers. The “Campaign for Ucraina” emergency relief medals were each registered with commendations issued by Grand Chancellor Riccardo Paternò di Montecupo, GCMOb. The Sovereign Council recognized:

Benjamin Malec, KM

Christopher Carter Lee, KM

Robert Nephew, KM

R. Newcomb Stillwell, KM

Ron Bleday, KM, MD

Gerald Power, KM

Steven Hardy, KM

Arthur de Garidel-Thoron, KM and Victoire du Ché de Garidel-Thoron, DM

Timothy Fortnam, Aux

Sarah Crawford, Aux

The “Forgetful of Myself” Award

The “Forgetful of Myself” Award was conceived last year as a way the Boston Area may recognize a member of our community who embodies the ways the Daily Prayer of the Order of Malta calls for to gain in sanctity and grace and secure the strength to serve the Lord’s good purpose. In addition to learning from the Gospel to love one another, seeking God’s glory, and striving for peace, the prayer calls our Knights and Dames of the Order of Malta to be forgetful of myself.

“As Boston Area Chair,” Tommy Driscoll noted, “I can tell you that a number of our Knights and Dames truly shine with this virtue, but I want to especially single out one of our Dames whose willingness to serve with a faith and love that glows from within will be a source of continuing joy and remembrance for me over the past year. Whenever we needed a tireless coordinator and planner, she was there. When we needed prayerful resolve, she was there. As a Dame of the Order of Malta, she embodies the virtues we strive for as a model to others and as a great credit to the rest of us as she continues to serve the Order of Malta and the Boston Area so beautifully: Mary Jo Kriz.”

The Saint Francis Award

Last year, the Boston Area chose for the first time to recognize selfless support for the mission of the Order of Malta with the Saint Francis Award. It acknowledges a chaplain or professed religious who embodies humility, simplicity, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, kindness, thoughtfulness, and wisdom–virtues epitomized by Saint Francis and expressed by the recipient in ministry and care for the Order of Malta and its works.

Tommy Driscoll announced, “As Boston Area Chair, it is my pleasure to recognize a member of the Order of Malta –one of our chaplains– who has not only embodied these saintly qualities but has done so on a global stage one day and the next day in the intimate setting of the rectory planning for one of our Masses or gatherings. In special light of his critical service, representing the Order of Malta even with the Holy Father Pope Frances with the care of a true chaplain, and on behalf of the Boston Area, we recognize with this Saint Francis Award, His Eminence Sean Patrick Cardinal O’Malley, Metropolitan Archbishop of Boston and Bailiff Grand Cross of Honor and Devotion in the Sovereign Order of Malta.”

The Bishop John Fitzpatrick Award for Extraordinary Service

Established in 2005, the Bishop John Fitzpatrick Award recognizes a member of the Order of Malta whose extraordinary service and leadership parallels the altruism and impact of its namesake, the third Bishop of Boston. It is not an annual award, but is presented infrequently to a Knight or Dame of the Order of Malta who demonstrates outstanding merit.

“In eight years in leadership roles,” Tommy Driscoll stated, “one of our Knights has stood out: Christopher Carter Lee established Malta Walks at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross which has brought in numerous auxiliary members. He has guided Knights and Dames as the leading sponsor of members in formation from the Boston Area through the last few difficult years. And those Knights and Dames are never absentee. They lead several of our ministries.

In his second term as Boston Area Hospitaller, he oversees a team of regional hospitallers, accomplishing much. He personally shepherded the Order of Malta’s presence for the visit of Our Lady of Lourdes pilgrim statue in New Hampshire, Ukrainian relief activity by the members and auxiliary in Boston, effective assistance to some of our Dames of the Order of Malta creating a safe house for trafficked women, and helping to establish a new Malta Walks ministry for Rhode Island. This builds on the special Eucharistic Ministry of the Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Malta Walks bringing COVID supplies to the homeless throughout three years of the pandemic.

He works diligently with our neighboring Areas: He directed the first ever American Association Malta Camp in the Albany Area last summer, bringing many volunteers to it from Boston, including me. He collaborates with the Eastern Connecticut Area leadership on multiple projects. He has been an engaged, deliberative, helpful member of our grants committee. His activity internationally with Malta Camps and with the Archdiocese homeless work is also extraordinary. It is my honor to recognize Christopher Carter Lee as the Bishop John Fitzpatrick Award recipient.”

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522