More than 30 Dames, Knights, and auxiliaries from the Michigan Area recently attended their monthly “First Saturday” Mass and lectio divina at St. Owen’s parish in Franklin, Michigan. Mass was celebrated, and the lectio divina was led, by Rev. Msgr. Michael LeFevre, ChM.
The November 4 Mass proclaimed Luke’s Gospel reading (Lk 14:1, 7-11) culminating with our Lord’s invitation to humble ourselves (“For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”). In the lectio divina after the Mass, Area members reflected upon and discussed the following Sunday’s related Gospel with Jesus’ famous rebuke of the scribes and Pharisees of his time, reminding his followers again that “[w]hoever exalts himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” The Daily Prayer of the Order’s exultation to be “forgetful of myself” is our daily reminder of the need to constantly humble ourselves as we strive to promote God’s glory, the world’s peace and our beloved Order.

Future KM Isaac sharing his Halloween candy and packing lunches for the Into the Fire Ministry.
Following the First Saturday gathering, members collected more than 100 sandwiches, bags of chips, and fruit that had been prepared for distribution by our Malta Mobile Ministries Van to those living on the streets of Detroit through our Into the Fire Ministry.

The Michigan Area Knights and Dames packed over 100 lunches for distribution through the Into the Fire Ministry.

Paul O’Leary, KM and Barbara Wilson, DM distributing lunches as part of the Michigan Area’s Into the Fire Ministry.
The Michigan Area’s next event is the annual Advent celebration, set for December 3rd in the chapel of the Grosse Pointe Academy. Mass will be celebrated by his Excellency, the Most Rev. Allen H. Vigneron, ChC, Archbishop of Detroit, followed by a reception outlining the Area’s plans for 2024.