Order of Malta


Southeast Florida Rosary Ministry Visits St. Mary’s Catholic Church


As part of the mission of the Rosary Outreach Ministry of the SE Florida Area to establish rosary prayer groups in communities, volunteers recently visited St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Pahokee. The pastor, Father Raul Cárdenas, blessed the rosaries before the Sunday Spanish Mass and following the service, rosaries were given out to the parishioners.  

St. Mary Church, referred to by the parish as “Bethlehem of the Diocese of Palm Beach,” is home to the 16th-century Russian-jeweled icon of Our Lady of Bethlehem, where many visitors come on pilgrimages. 

If you would like to participate in this ministry in the Southeast Florida Area, please click here to email Nina Nolff, DM.

If you would like to learn more about starting this ministry in your own Area, please click here to email Andy Vissicchio, KMOb.

Order of Malta, American Association, U.S.A.

American Association, U.S.A
1011 First Avenue, Room 1350
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522