Order of Malta


Reflections on the Creed


Below is the next essay in the Chaplains’ Educational Essay series. “Reflections on the Creed” was written by Rev. Anthony Barratt, Deputy Chaplain from the Upstate New York Area. Father Barratt is Pastor of St. Ambrose Church in Latham, NY.

For a member of the Order of Malta and for all Catholics, the Creed is our personal statement of our belief in the basic teachings of our Church. We say it every Sunday; it makes sense to take some time focusing carefully on the words we repeat (sometimes by rote). Thanks to Father Barratt for drawing out the meaning of words of that comprehensive statement of what we believe.

When we speak of the charism of the Order, bearing witness to and defending the faith, the truth of the Creed can provide a framework for what it is to which we are giving witness.

For all who serve in the Order of Malta, the essay is a reminder that what we believe is important. The truth of the Creed provides a rock in a world that wants everything to be relative.  We should probably read Father Barratt’s essay regularly so that when we recite the Creed, we do so as a statement of what we believe, as Catholics and as members of the Order of Malta.

This essay is part of a continuing series of essays from our Chaplains in support of the spiritual development of the American Association’s membership.

Be grateful for the Order of Malta, for the path you have chosen to grow your spiritual life, and for the graces God has showered through Blessed Gerard, John the Baptist and Our Lady of Philermo. Pray for your fellow members, for chaplains of the Order and for our Holy Catholic Church.

Click here to read Father Barratt’s essay.

Order of Malta

American Association, U.S.A
St. Patrick’s Cathedral Parish House
14 E 51st Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1522